+7 903 969 5460 | ma21@mail.ru
Алексей Ярославович Чижов. Независимый аффилиат 4Life®

Алексей Ярославович —  российский ученый-медик.

Автор  научно обоснованного метода, получившего название «Горный воздух». Метод значимо повышает  устойчивость организма к факторам, лежащим в основе развития многих заболеваний.  «Горный воздух» с успехом используется для профилактики, лечения и реабилитации, а также коррекции возникающих нарушений  при различных патологических состояниях человека. В последние годы метод находит применение в спорте и промышленном здравоохранении.

Разработанный им  метод  используется в РФ, странах СНГ, Японии,  Англии, Германии, Австрии, Швейцарии, Малайзии, Колумбии, Австралии и других странах.

Заслуженный деятель науки РФ;

  • действительный член Российской экологической академии;
  • профессор экологического факультета Российского университета дружбы народов;
  • доктор медицинских наук;
  • врач анестезиолог-реаниматолог и интенсивный терапевт;
  • специалист по адаптационной и восстановительной медицине;
  • специалист по мануальной терапии, натуропатии, гомеопатии, иглорефлексотерапии;
  • семейный доктор (лечение детей и взрослых).

CHIZHOV Alexei Yaroslavovich

Date of birth – September, 23, 1942.

руки на груди без фона

Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Ph. D., Professor, Academician (actual member) of Russian Ecological Academy and International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences, Vice-president of International Hypoxia Research Acad-emy, Actual member of German Society of Naturopathy. Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Eura-sian corporation of the region 4 Life Recearch (USA).

Tel.: +7 (903)969-54-60

E-mail: ma21@mail.ru

Skype: chizhov01


Working activity since 1960:

  • 1960-1961 – Hospital attendant;
  • 1961-1967 – Medical student of Sverdlovsk State Medical Institute;
  • 1964-1967 – Hospital nurse;
  • 1967-1970 – Doctor anaesthesiologist-reanimator and intensive therapeutist;
  • 1970-1973 – Chief of the Department of Anaesthesiology-Reanimation and

Intensive therapy of the City Clinical Hospital № 1 (for 1200  patients) in Sverdlovsk (nowadays Yekaterinburg);

  • 1973-1980 – Hospital № 1 of the USSR government – doctor  anaesthesiologist-reanimator and intensive therapeutist  of Surgery-Reanimation Department;
  • 1973    – defence of Candidate dissertation in medicine (bronchial and lung pathology);
  • 1980-1987 – Senior scientific consultant Department of intensive therapy and reanimation of the USSR Centre of Health protection of mother  and child;
  • 1983 – defence of a thesis Ph. D. in oncology and medicine radiology;
  • 1987-1990 – Chief of the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the USSR  Centre of preventive medicine (the USSR Ministry of Health);
  • 1990-till nowadays – Russian People’s Friendship University, professor of Ecological Department;
  • General director of  Medico ecological Centre “Mountain Air XXI  century
  • Family doctor.

I worked in Malaysia, Columbia, England, India, Germany and The Czech Republic as expert and consultant of the clinics of alternative medicine.

At my disposal there are the methods of computer diagnostics, manual therapy and   chiropractic, different kinds of massage, herudotherapy (apply leeches), homoeopathy, hypoxia therapy (“Mountain air” therapy)/

I’m  the author of “Mountain air” therapy, acknowledged in Russia and abroad, now introduced in 45 countries, including Japan, Malaysia, Great Britain, Germany, Austria, Columbia, The Czech Republic, The USA, Australia etc.

“Mountain air” therapy is highly effective nondrug method of treatment at   hypertension, ischemic heart disease, bronchial asthma etc.

“Mountain air” therapy is widely used in medicine, sports and industrial medicine care.

I’m the author of   16 monographs, 15 patents and more than 430 scientific articles in different problems of medicine.

Research interests:

    • replacement and sports medicine;
    • Development of effective methods of increasing the nonspecific resistance of the organism to excessive loads and extreme environmental factors that underlie the time-development of pathological conditions and diseases;
    • hypoxic stimulation of the adaptive mechanisms of the body using biological feedback mechanisms;
    • rapid methods for assessing the activity of functional systems;
    • controlled by the activation treatment under the supervision of adaptation reactions by the method of L.H Harkavy et al.;
    • methods of rejuvenation.

I  have:

— Modern methods of functional activity of computer diagnostics system so the body;

— Manual therapy and various types of massage, acupuncture, girudotera-tropy (leech therapy), homeopathy and naturopathy;

— Hypoxic (treatment «Mountain Air» wide range of diseases — hypertension-mechanical disease, coronary heart disease, asthma, chronic Zabo-Levani genitals and erectile dysfunction, neurological, psychiatric or endocrine diseases in-and many others;

— In recent years carried out the implementation of the method of hypoxic training in sports. The positive results on the junior team in baseball «Moskvich» (champions in Moscow, Russia and Europe in 1998). Together with the national teams of Russia DSP-sion (Kravtsov, A., Telenkov SA, Kim AV) for the past 4 years received of positive experience in training athletes of Olympic teams (swimming, track athlete to me, rowing) using the hypoxic stimulation of nonspecific resistance.

Personality traits:

— The leader of a team; active organizer;

— Friendly and sociable;

— Responsible and always punctual;

— Flexible and non-conflicting;

— Resistant to stressful situations (resuscitation);

— Learn anywhere, anytime, you need to learn quickly;

— Know how to build teamwork.

I have skills:

— Medical and psychological counseling at the international level;

— Create, launch and development of new health units;

— Conduct negotiations at any level;

— Building long term relationships with partners;

— Work with large amounts of information,

— Works with PCs and a variety of diagnostic equipment;

— Public statements by large audiences, including television and radio broadcasting, the experience of live broadcasting in Russia, on the radio Karakol (in Latin America and Miami).

Future development:

— The widespread introduction into medical practice and sport of high achievements of modern technologies of regenerative medicine, have no counterparts in foreign practice.

Learn more.

In 50 — 60 years  in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) was engaged in skiing — cross country skiing, biathlon, shooting and athletics (running at 800 and 1000 m). My coaches would be a champion, World cross-country skiing — Ludmila Gornostaeva and Anastasia Plotnikova.

Prof. Alexei Chizhov.